Use Pitchero
Please note that the old LADS Handbook is now dangerously out of date.
Some find it of use for old contact details but it has been out of print for 3 years now and thus is not reliable. Note that WTR is the ONLY place we keep contact info.
Over recent weeks/months we have had to deal with a number of issues where people have not checked Pitchero for the current, upto date and live/dynamic version of what is currently going on. This causes confusion, false starts and extra work.
Pitchero is our only and sole source of the truth. The handbook is no longer current. Whats App is not the original source of core LADS and RFU prociess and procudures. Get current on whats relevant and stay off Whats App until you know whats going on...
For example Pitchero has
a) Current news and events – with real time updates – the links you get via WTR cross reference what’s on Pitchero and thus are the ONLY source of when meetings are occuring
b) Current discipline, process, guides, forms and contacts. Don’t use old versions, or try and make up a process or a perceived issue on Whats App.
c) Guides on age group rugby and match official abuse inc club guides and correspondence
d) Discipline summaries of CB decisions and stages of issues in play
e) Handling of abandoned matches and what to do
f) Contacts for all Exec Team and other Officers of the society and other key contacts you need to know to be a ref or developer/assessor
g) Safeguarding and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion information and guidance
h) Our articles and rules of the society which all members are governed by (see form on this page)
i) Referee insurance, how it works and when you need dispensations to referee (ie abroad or by age group)
j) Appointments process - Sat, Mid week, Sundays - Exchanges info and expenses
k) GMS and WTR info and guidance - stop just re applying to be a member and follow the process to get a new password!
l) Match cards, RFU rules and scorecards and expenses forms
m) Match observers, coaching and Federation info
n) Codes of Conduct, Social Media Policy
o) Serious injury reporting, concussion and Headcase guides
p)Man off and uncontested scrum overviews
q)Expenses and Travel rules and allowable levels
r) New members guides and contacts
s) Updates from mid monthly meetings and guides to stay current
Its even got a E-copy of the old handbook so you can see how much better Pitchero is!
So, dont guess, read an out of date handbook or use Whats App to invent a process - check Pitchero and get the right info and then act or ask the right person. Simple really!
Our Pitchero site has all the information you will need or contacts to seek clarity to ensure you know what’s going on and how to act.
Rugby’s values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship are what makes the game special for those who enjoy the environment and culture they create, use Pitchero to stay current, stay informed and stay away from guessing or using a handbook that out of date!