Post match forms and guides
The following link will take you to the forms you need. Note they are new and in the case of MOA so ois the guide on "How to", the other "How to" guides are the same from previous seasons.
NOTE all forms need to be in by 0900hrs the day after the game is ref'd. So Sat games no matter the KO time by 0900hrs on Monday and Sunday games by 0900hrs on Tues. This is to allow the hard working people on the CB panels to get the paperwork and leading done. So please comply with the new timeline.
Where do I send the report....
Not sure which CB contact (If you don't know ask someone from the team which county they are affiliated to (esp if on exchange or if you have a touring team etc)
Think its a Lancs club but not sure...
Think its a Cheshire Club but not sure
Is it an age grade game ?
Was it an abandoned game?
Was someone a serious injury and they went to the hospital AND they were kept in (ie overnight)
OK that should cover most stuff...still in doubt ask
Paul Warrington
T: 0151 639 4366 M :07929 634228