Changes to Regulations (effective Aug 2021) require referees to inform the Constituent Body Age Grade Disciplinary Secretary (CBAGDS) of any red card within 48 hours.
NOTE The changes to Regulations which require referees to inform the Constituent Body Age Grade Discipline Secretary of any red card within 48 hrs Applies to :-
as well as clubs.
This is to bring it in line with Adult procedures and to make the CBAGDS central to disciplinary procedures.
Cheshire: John Downham
Lancashire: Brian Stott:
RFU Age Grade Discipline Pilot
Canterbury NZ have been running a restorative practises approach to age grade discipline since 2017, as opposed to
the normal match sanctions.
They have seen some very positive results with very low re-offending rates. Not only has it worked with the individual
but a key part of the process is getting the age-grade and senior team to connect and this has seen greater retention
The RFU is not looking to adopt the NZ approach in total, but to explore alternatives to straight forward sanctions that
work in the English game. They consider this to be an approach that should in the first instance be trialled during the
21/22 season with the intention of it being rolled out to all CBs in the 22/23 season.
Cheshire, Essex and Kent CBs have been asked to trial this initiative with the aim of building a process that can be
adopted by all CBs.
The main impact this will have for Cheshire clubs is that all Age Grade sending offs, citing’s and Reg 5.12 offences will
be dealt with by an Age Grade disciplinary panel rather than a club panel with a CBAG review.
Key Principles
• Child centric – keeps young people in the game
• Core Values need to be upheld
• CBs to set own process but follow guiding principles
• Clearly understood by all parties
• Consistent approach across schools/ clubs and colleges
• Available to all pleas guilty and not guilty
• Available for both RC’s and 5.12
• When a junior player playing in an Under 18 match sent off by a Society Referee, Association Referee or Club
Referee the following information must be sent to the CB Age Grade Secretary John Downham.
Player's Full Name /Date of Birth /RFU No
What the player was sent off for (if known).
Please note the player is immediately suspended from all rugby including schools until the CB Age Grade
On receipt of the notification and the referee’s report, the CBAG (John Downham) will arrange for a CB hearing
to be held either at the club of the offending player or by zoom, ideally within 7 days of the offence.
• Hearing:
A panel drawn from accredited Cheshire RFU volunteers will hear the case and will be guided by RFU guidance
notes on Age Grade Discipline and evidence from Child Witnesses. This will ensure in the first instance that
there is consistency in how the hearings are delivered. At each hearing, a member of the offending player’s
club will be asked to join the panel.
• Red cards – 2 yellows – a red card for two yellows (guilty plea) will be heard by the CBAG as a sole judicial
officer as the sanction is a mandatory one.
• Sanction
- Appendix 6 will be the starting point/basis of the sanction. The Panel is not bound by normal regulations on
suspended sentences, mitigation, aggravation
- Sanctions can be suspended
- Sanctions can be a mix of non-playing and match ban and can go below the 50% threshold.
- Non-playing sanctions – can be wide – clubs will be encouraged to come up with their own sanctions.
Judgements – there will be a new judgement form
Referee’s – this revised approach will be shared with both Lpool Refs or Madrefs. There will be no change in how the
referee engages with both the panel and the club.
Schools: all Cheshire schools will be made aware of the pilot and will be included.
5 or More: All Age Grade cases will not be included in a club’s end of season disciplinary return.
John Downham
Age Grade Disciplinary Secretary