Traveling Expenses
Covers all refs, MODs, and ref coaches
Listed below are the details for claiming travel expenses both within the
Society and on exchanges.
Please study carefully and ensure that, especially if you are on exchange (Manchester or a more formalised exchange), you fill your claim form in correctly and promptly
Form is at the end of this section below and will download for you, this form and should be used to ensure consistency and so clubs can have valid records of us claiming expenses from them.
Within the Liverpool Society appointment area:
All referees will have access to an agreed pro forma to use on local Society appointments.
These should be submitted to the Home Club on arrival or soon after to avoid embarrassment.
Society rates are 45p per mile and you may only claim for mileage up to 100 miles round trip. Miles should be by the most direct route and from your home address, not a 3rd party location.
Referees are encouraged to keep costs to a minimum and therefore charge clubs accordingly. High-level claims are often questioned after the event with the society direct so refs etc should be aware that clubs do cross-check with us on occasions.
The rate of 45ppm is a standard HMRC rate and is reviewed by the HMRC. As and when this rate varies LADS will review and may change the rate.
Exchanges to the Manchester Society area are 45p/mile (to be claimed
from the Liverpool Society) not from the club. If in doubt check with the Appointments teams if you are on a Manchester exchange
All other Societies exchange 45p/mile- ONE car only by the shortest route, to
be claimed from the Liverpool Society.
Any questions on exchange travel should be made to the Exchange Secretary prior to travel, note if you incur cost without permission you may not be able to reclaim.
RFU appointments as directed by RFU.
Advisers/MODs, Coaches or any legitimate Society business, 45p/mile.
£75.00 for one night (bed & breakfast) per referee, where possible/practical referees will share a double room
No unnecessary nights in the Isle of Man will be reclaimable. Check with the A&G team prior to committing to any costs on accommodation. Failure to do so will result in claims being rejected.
Any other Overnight accommodation must be approved in advance by the Hon.
Chairman of Finance or the Honorary Secretary of Exchanges.
Exchanges only (NOT Manchester appointments) £10.00 per referee for meals/snacks per trip (note must be over 300 miles in total to qualify).